ns-3 Contributions
Concat: A Catalog for Conferences
- Contributed to the development of a website which matches academics to conferences in their research areas.
- Developed backend REST APIs in Django.
- Developed various frontend components in AngularJS.
- Co-created a Julia package to visualize graphs in 3D.
- This package renders graphs using ThreeJS.jl, and is tightly coupled with LightGraphs.jl.
- This package was presented at JuliaCon-MIT 2016.
GCPiN: Group Caching for Privacy in NDN
- Proposed a new network architecture for Named Data Networking to increase the privacy of cached content (Content Store) with minimal performance losses.
- Complete report can be found here.
Secure Chat
- Developed a secure, web-based chat, video and file transfer application using webRTC.
- Content was secured using OTR Encryption and the SMP protocol was used for authentication.
- Selected as a finalist in Fidelity’s 2016 Hackathon.